Today’s Run: Gravel, and butterflies, and SURPRISE! Oh, my!

Being the lovely 70 degree, humid tuesday it was—quite different from the cold, dismal weather we have been having—I decided that I would take advantage and go for a nice long, relaxing run. Plus, I got off work 2 hours early so I had to celebrate!

Now, I am a creature of habit. I like running the same path, in the same direction, around the same time every day. It sounds crazy but I find it very comforting. So today, since I started my run a little earlier than usual, I decided to go all in—full-fledged change… that’s enough to give me butterflies!

A bunch of friends have told me about a little gravel running path in the back neighborhood of Carlisle so I decided to give it a go! I ran 2 miles to the location of the trail and set off from there!


Rumor has it that there is an old man who walks up and down the path every day, hiding in the bushes and following people, so, I decided that I would take out my headphones and just listen to my breathe and my feet pounding the ground. It was unbelievable! Of course, I was turning my head every which way making sure it was MY feet I was hearing and not someone else’s but wow, what a new experience. I found myself looking around, taking in my surroundings—and how beautiful they were!

The path I ran on was complete gravel with leaves all over! I continued down the path for a while and found myself at a big open field with a small playground on the far end. To my right were trees and plants galore! I decided to stop for 1 minute in an attempt to take an artsy photo of a butterfly on some flowers!


On my loop back I started to get a little out of breath… I didn’t realize that I had been running on a bit of a downward slope in beginning of my run and, as i retraced my steps, I was of course laughing at myself for getting so carried away because, as all runners know, whenever you run down… you will always have to trudge up again.

When I finished my run on the gravel path which was about 2.5 miles, I came back out to the neighborhood streets and found a few roads to make my run a little longer. I have a huge exam tomorrow which probably explains why I wanted to continue running.

After 5.25 miles I hit D-Park and still wanted to get in a few more miles so I decided to run the 1 miles around the park! I started my run around the open field, headphones back in my ears, alone… All of a sudden… BAMM… a bloody nose out of nowhere! Leave it to me for something like this to happen to. I will spare you all the lovely details but basically, in a nutshell, there was no way possible I could run back home so I had to send a rather embarrassing SOS text to my roommates who so graciously offered to pick me up.


While I was not able to run the 7 miles I had planned on running today, I did get in a wonderful #TrailTuesday and get to see a different part of Carlisle. All-in-all, it was a rather eventful tuesday run!!


P.S. Sprints for breakfast!